Analyzing Alibaba's Earnings: Taobao DAU, a farewell address, and the Two-Pronged Communication Strategy
Taobao DAU, Jiang Fan's return to the Partnership, a farewell earnings call and the dual-track IR communications strategy
I’ve written about Alibaba from many different angles, from its more recent historic reorganization to Alibaba’s lackluster growth in international e-commerce, and gone on a podcast to discuss Alibaba vis-a-vis Chinese tech. It's personal for me, having worked at Alibaba Group's New York office in International Corporate Comms and observed the company from the inside. It's also a captivating story of one of the OG Chinese companies going global and "made it," culminating in its successful IPO.
The world is a much harsher place for Chinese companies these days. While Alibaba had first-mover advantages to test the water on how and what to communicate to the world, its overseas e-commerce business had a decade-long headstart, it is losing out to challengers like Shein and Temu. Alibaba is at a crossroads, defining once again its identity in a post-restructuring world and the aftermath of the Jack Ma era.
Earnings Narrative Snapshot
BABA 0.00%↑ just announced its latest quarterly earnings. The financials look rosy despite China’s macroeconomic challenges and softening consumer demand.
The positive earnings report didn’t do much for investor sentiment. Share prices aside, how sustainable is the growth? At first glance, this quarter’s operating income growth is an impressive 70% YoY. But a significant part of this boost comes from the reversal of a share-based compensation expense, and when excluded, the YoY growth drops to 43%. While 43% is still impressive, shareholders should question if the company can maintain the quality of stable earnings without one-off benefits.
A year ago, I argued that Alibaba was already in the mature growth stage. Still, it has not transitioned to “acting its age” related to efficiency, corporate culture shifts, and the ability to execute outside China. There have been subtle but significant shifts in the past couple of years that point to a decline in innovation culture, and you can read about it in my FT piece (scroll down for full article).
A few things stood out for me in the latest earnings results:
The obsession with Taobao’s Daily Active Users (DAU) signals close competition with challenger PDD, not just in overseas markets but on its home turf in China.
Cherry-picking data to report in English IR comms content versus Chinese earnings media assets.
During this quarter, Jiang Fan, CEO of the international business unit, was reinstated to his rightful throne in the Alibaba Partnership despite his extramarital scandal that shook the cultural core of the firm.
Hey, What’s the Big Idea: DAU (cue Mika, and sing it!)
This quarter's core commerce keyword is user growth. On the last earnings call, Alibaba announced the pivot to focus more on DAU and less on GMV (gross merchandise value). It was a precursor to the all-in user growth strategy.
Let’s look at how Alibaba frames the Taobao DAU growth as “wins.” The Chinese earnings infographics show actual numbers, not just percentages: “Taobao's daily active user count has increased by 6.5% year-on-year. The average daily active users in June reached 402 million."
Taobao has reason to be proud of the results. Since PDD’s DAU surpassed Taobao for the first time during Lunar New Year in February 2021, PDD has consistently maintained its lead since February 2022. This is the first earnings since Taobao returned to the number one spot in April this year.
The user number growth is significant because Taobao is locked in a tight fight for users with PDD, its formidable challenger at home and overseas. It’s increasingly a zero-sum game to fight for the same wallets, and Taobao needs to prove it’s improving to win back the consumers it lost.
A Tale of Two Earnings Communication Strategies
Generally, Alibaba's Chinese IR communications favor "record-breaking" language to emphasize the growth narrative. Just zooming in on the Taobao DAU language, the Chinese infographic includes forward statements like “The leading advantage continues to expand” (领先优势继续扩大), different versions of the Chinese word DAU (i.e. 平均日活,日活跃用户数,用户活跃度) and other words that imply progress (i.e. 高位,刷新纪录,历史新高)
In contrast, the U.S. earnings content appears much more subdued, and understandably so (hi, SEC!).
However, is this differentiation necessary? Considering that Alibaba is a U.S.-listed company, if specific figures are public knowledge in Chinese, shouldn't English-speaking shareholders have equal access to the same information?
Another concern is the excess information used to highlight success but lacking substance. For instance, simultaneously addressing Taobao's move towards "value-for-money" consumers and the 88VIP program's focus on ultra-high spenders presents a mixed message.
Concrete figures back Taobao's user and revenue growth, yet the narrative for 88VIP relies on qualitative descriptors like "reaching historic heights" and "GMV grew double-digit during 618 promotion." 88VIP got some “prime real estate” in the widely distributed infographic. Yet, it was only mentioned once during the call and in the release and offered no context. Double-digit growth means nothing if there are no baseline comparison figures available. Is 88VIP that important after all? I’m not so sure, based on the mixed message from the comms.
These infographics are not official IR press releases and are a gray area at best; however, the bottom line is this: intentional opacity does not make for informative and prudent shareholder communication.
Jiang Fan’s back and poised to rise higher
I analyzed the role of psychological safety in the context of Alibaba’s corporate culture in the previously mentioned FT piece. The existing communication hierarchy and the power dynamic were stalling the pace of innovation and eroding trust. This situation may have become more challenging with the ongoing pace of layoffs and restructuring.
Jiang Fan’s scandal is a case in point. Netizens quipped: “When low-P employees (Alibaba’s old corporate ranking was called P-levels) overstep the “red line” and do something wrong, they’re gone. When an Alibaba executive at the high p-level steps over the boundary, the “red line” is gone.”
Jiang Fan is back in the Partnership and leading the international business BU with glowing reviews from respected Chinese media outlets, with nary a mention of his alleged extramarital affair. His business performance is one thing, but the incident should be analyzed with Alibaba's corporate values and governance.
So Long, Farewell (another song…)
This is the final earnings call led by the current Chairman, Daniel Zhang, and he is passing the baton to Joe Tsai, Executive Vice Chairman and founding member of Alibaba. In his farewell speech, Daniel didn’t mention his signature initiative, the Middle Platform Strategy. Instead, he defined his legacy as shepherding the company through the three strategies of “consumption, computing, and globalization since 2015.” This final scorecard is the starting point of a new era against the backdrop of more than 6500 layoffs in one quarter, six new Alibaba entities controlled by the same people as before the restructuring, and an uncertain competitive e-commerce landscape in China and abroad.
I would love to hear your thoughts! Let’s connect on Twitter and Linkedin, or send me a note to get in touch.
更新于2022年8月18日 18:34 杨方曦,王英良为FT中文网撰稿
这个从高速增长到长期价值的“换挡”过程,考验的是阿里“开着飞机换引擎 ”的执行能力,重新聚焦和稳定核心业务的能力。
近期,受多种因素的复合作用,软银集团大幅减持阿里巴巴,持股比例从23.7% 降至 14.6%,套现税前利润约340亿美元。减持后,软银不再将阿里的部分利润计入自身利润,阿里只是其账面上众多投资中的一笔。软银的“自救”是为应对全球经济放缓,开源节流的大趋势,也是对阿里未来增长不确定性的担忧。这也反映出阿里在投资资本决策中的价值和重要性有所降低。
另外一个事实是阿里的营收确实出现了放缓。8月4日晚,阿里公布 自然年2022年二季度业绩,收入2055.55亿元,经调整EBITA同比下降18%至344.19亿元。从利润看,阿里净利润为202.98亿元,同比下降53%。本季度阿里股份回购力度也进一步增强,相比上季度以约20亿美元回购了约1780万股美国存托股,本财季,以约35亿美元回购了约3860万股。与众多成熟公司一样,阿里也尝试以股票回购表明维持股价的决心,以此留住投资人。
每一家公司都会经历从初创、成长、蜕变、成熟到衰落的生命周期。在成长阶段的末期,利润赶上销售周期,公司实现正现金流。随着市场达到饱和,增长放缓,虽收入达到峰值,但成本增加导致利润下降。对于任何规模的公司来说,步入成熟期都是一个节点,在这个阶段需要务实的战略眼光,并在必要时做出破局的选择。重新聚焦业务,追求稳妥着陆是首要目标,以此为未来打下稳固的基础。阿里现有投资人看中的是公司的盈利增长率、中国崛起的庞大中产阶层和阿里在中国市场的领导地位。然而,最新的财报种种细节显示,年活跃用户超过10亿,23岁的阿里,正在进入商业周期的成熟阶段,未达到投资者预期。面对国内经济增速放缓,阿里仍试图努力证明自己依然处于壮年。长期而言,以价值为导向的长期投资主义最终将取代当前以增长为导向的投资,但这个从高速增长到长期价值的“换挡”过程,考验的是阿里“开着飞机换引擎 ”的执行能力,重新聚焦和稳定核心业务的能力,以及开拓新业务的能力。这些能力开始取代创新在业务发展中的权重。
从内部管理机制看。通常而言,成长公司更看重文化,而成熟公司更看重效率。美国硅谷成熟科技公司的代表Meta和谷歌最近表示要求员工提高决策和执行效率,这在美国引发讨论。员工更专注、更高效是所有管理者共同的追求,但效率问题和公司结构与决策机制密不可分。团队协同、决策和执行效率,不是管理者能单独决定的, 而是受到各级员工的系统网络影响。员工对于层级汇报机制和团队所拥有的“软实力”的认识,决定了他们对于权限的理解。在心理学和管理学里有一个概念叫做心理安全感(psychological safety),即相信自己可以大胆表达意见而不会受到惩罚。一个拥有心理安全感的团队会尝试突破固化的思维,且更愿意分享自己的想法。这些都是带来高绩效工作、创新思维和良好团队氛围的重要因素。当科技公司里扁平化管理落到实处时,团队里到底是谁拍板,沟通过程中谁拥有话语权,会遵循一个心照不宣的模式。无论是“996是福报”的内卷文化, 还是阿里现在固化的“老阿里人”当权的现状,阿里作为一个逐渐成熟的企业,需要思考敏捷性组织在阿里这个庞大的组织结构中到底代表什么。其实早在2020年, 当阿里正式宣布,以杜绝靠写报告混日子和避免形式主义、追求踏踏实实做事为由逐步取消周报之际,恰恰反映出问题到了不得不正视的程度。
阿里算是国内第一批“出海”的科技企业。“水土不服”的业务结构和不可调和的中西企业文化冲突,让阿里的出海困难重重。 阿里在美上市之际吸收了一众美国本土成熟公司的高层精英,以期为海外良好的舆论环境奠定基础。这仿佛是在告诉投资人和未来合作伙伴:“我们来了,并愿意用你们习惯的方式开展业务。” 初衷本为入乡随俗,但现实却是骨感的。阿里巴巴2014年9月在纽交所上市, 次年的2015年,前高盛副主席约翰•迈克•埃文斯(Michael Evans)加入阿里担任董事兼总裁,负责打通阿里的国际化道路,并在接下来的很长一段时间里担任阿里全球化的“形象大使”。